Bill Mitsui 陆彬

Don't Wait To Invest, Invest And Wait

Specialize in acquiring, managing and improving purchased multifamily rental properties in future growth markets around BC. We aim to double our investor's investment in short five or seven years.

擅长于在卑诗省的潜力增长市场中收购与管理和改善多户家庭出租物业。 我们的目标是在短短的五到七年内使投资者的投资收益增加一倍。

  • 通过低估财产收购来积累财富
  • 通过改善财产增值
  • 通过新物业管理增加现金流量
  • 通过再融资滚动
  • Building wealth through undervalued property acquisition
  • Adding value with property improvements
  • Increase cashflow with new property management
  • Cash out with refinancing



为我们自己和我们的私人投资者提供房地产的良好投资机会。 通过增加租金收入,资产增值和未来的重建机会来增加投资回报。

To provide access to exclusive investment opportunities in real estate for our private investors. To increase investment returns from enhanced rental income, asset appreciation and future re-development opportunities.

Core Values


诚实,正直和负责任是我们发展的基础。 这些核心价值观使我们能够与投资者,员工和承包商建立牢固而持久的关系。 我们19年的行业经验反映了这种价值观。

Honesty, Integrity and Accountability are our foundation. These core values have allowed us to foster strong and enduring relationships with our clients, staff and contractors. This strength is reflected by our 19 year's experiences within the industry.